Home » Britannia, the richest neighborhood in Calgary 2: Riverdale/Sandbeach Park, a beautiful park loved by the rich

Britannia, the richest neighborhood in Calgary 2: Riverdale/Sandbeach Park, a beautiful park loved by the rich

In Part 1, we looked at Britannia’s geographic location and current real estate price trends.

In Part 2, I would like to introduce you to Riverdale and Sandbeach Park, two of Calgary’s most beautiful parks, spread out around the Elbow River surrounding Britannia.

Now~~~ Shall we go away with Mickey? Hearwego

If you search on Naver Maps, you will see results like this.

I searched for Calgary’s Riverdale Park.

Riverdale Park

Riverdale Park, Calgary, AB T2S 1M5 Canada

Let’s search in Google Maps in more detail.

Can you see it surrounding Britannia, a wealthy neighborhood in Calgary that I posted about yesterday? The clear Elbow River flows around the park.

If you are curious about the general information about Britannia, a wealthy neighborhood in Calgary, click here

Riverdale Bridge located at the beginning of the neighborhood!

This is the 10th anniversary of the bridge being rebuilt due to a flood in 2013. Although it is described as a rocking bridge in Google reviews, it is definitely not a rocking bridge. lol

As you enter Calgary’s Britannia and see the luxurious homes of the rich, you will come across the Elbow River Pathway.

This is not a specifically divided area, but is a name for a road within Riverdale Park.

There is an information board at the park, so you can see the park from the past to the present.

The snow is sparkling on the floor, the sun is shining in the sky, and it is a truly blessed day in January 2024.

If you follow the well-paved Elbow Pathway, you will come across the Sand Beach Bridge.

When you cross this bridge, Sand Beach Park unfolds in front of you.

Let’s take a look from the other side, shall we?

If you cross the Sand Beach Bridge, you can see a truly amazing and breathtaking view.

It’s so beautiful, so I’ll take a look at the pictures.

I bet it’s the most beautiful place in downtown Calgary, isn’t it? Think about it. Even though it’s in the middle of Calgary, you can enjoy nature to its fullest.

During the cold spell in Calgary, where temperatures reached minus 50 degrees Celsius over the past few weeks, the rivers created ice like this.

Looking at these ice sculptures, I thought, ‘Why go to Alaska?’ ‘This is Alaska?!!’ I also try to get vicarious satisfaction.

As you walk along the well-maintained walking path,

There are good signs everywhere.

Riverdale/Sandbeach Park, located near Calgary’s Elbow River, is said to be a spawning ground for trout.

If you read the content carefully, you will see that trout lay eggs among the gravel and the eggs hatch among the gravel, so gravel is important for fry!!!! That’s what it says.

If you look at the water, which couldn’t be cleaner than this, you’ll see trout laying eggs!!! You will be filled with the feeling that you want to preserve it!!

It’s winter, so you can only see bare birch trees, but I’m really looking forward to seeing how beautiful it will be in summer at Calgary’s Britannia Park.

There are several off-leash dog parks (where dogs are allowed to run freely off-leash) around Ribedale/Sandbeach Park. Maybe that’s why there are so many residents who enjoy walking their dogs.

Let’s see how it feels in the video.



There are signs throughout the park asking people to enjoy the park with good manners.

The fine is more expensive than I thought. It is said that if you do not clean up dog waste, you will be fined $250.

This is a tree with iron bars that can be commonly seen in Riverdale/Sand Beach Park.

Why are the trees surrounded by iron cages like this?

Are you curious?

Join Mickey Tours and we will give you the answer. lol

Why are trees wearing iron bars???

If you walk along the road, there are various barbecue spots (reservation required). There is also a proper children’s playground.

Riverdale/Sand Beach Park extends all the way up a small hill, as seen in the photo below.

It is also a location with a panoramic view of downtown Calgary.

Can you feel it at first glance from the photo?

Mansions on the hill!!!

Britannia rich people on the hill^^

View of Riverdale/Sand Beach Park from up the hill

As I climbed up the hill, I saw an incredibly large dog park spread out.

There seemed to be more than 100 people taking a leisurely walk with their dogs in the middle of the day. What is their job? How can they spend such leisurely time during the day? Is it because they are rich people in Britannia? I even imagined a reason for doing it. We also got a glimpse into the leisurely time of the rich. lol

Although it is not the top of a high mountain, the view from up there is breathtakingly refreshing.

I was even able to see puppies jumping into the river, as if it wasn’t too cold.

Let’s leave the huge dog park behind and head back down to Riverdale Park.

There were stairs and the snow had melted so it was slippery, but there was an assist device on the side so I was able to come down easily.

On the way down, another scenery unfolded.

It’s a really lovely scenery.

A road that feels like you are deep in the mountains?

I think that if you can encounter scenery like this, you can fully enjoy beautiful nature without having to go far.

I think Britannia is the best location in many ways.

Optimally located just 5 kilometers to downtown,

A park where you can enjoy nature with your whole body is right near your house, and it has the best school district in the best location with the clear Elbow River flowing!!!

One winter day in January 2024, I went on a Mickey tour with the two of them in the warm sunshine.

Would you like to ‘Explore the Rich Neighborhood’ with Mickey??

‘Exploring a Rich Neighborhood’

See the mansions of Britannia —> Relax at Riverdale Park —> Eat at a nearby hidden spot: This is the schedule.

Britannia, the richest neighborhood in Calgary 1. Take a tour of luxurious residences and find out about housing prices in Calgary

If you are curious about the contents, please read the article below.


In the third part, we will take a look at nearby hot spots and commercial facilities.

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