Home » Cochrane ice cream shop MacKay’s: A cute little town next to Calgary on the way to Banff

Cochrane ice cream shop MacKay’s: A cute little town next to Calgary on the way to Banff

From the north side of the Calgary Airport, take Highway 1A down the winding hill to downtown Cochrane, a cute little town next to Calgary.

Wait a minute here!!!!

If you are traveling to Calgary, use Highway 1A when traveling from Calgary Airport to Banff . Normally, when you connect the navigation, it will guide you to Highway 1. The scenery on Highway 1A is much more beautiful.

The road marked on the map above is length 1A. It’s easily accessible from the airport and the road is pretty, so you should definitely use it, right?

Cochrane, a small town located about 20km west of the Calgary border, is so close that you could just call it Calgary, but isn’t the name itself pretty? Is it just me? lol

Cochrane is still a town with a retro feel, and it has a really cute and unique atmosphere, which I really like. That’s why even Miki Tours included the Cochrane tour exclusively.

If you are curious about Miki Tour


There is a really cute ice cream shop in this unique small town.

It’s right here.

MacKay’s Ice Cream

If you look at Google Maps, it looks like this.

MacKay’s Ice Cream · 220 1 St W, Cochrane, AB T4C 2E7, Canada★★★★★ · Ice cream shop

Mackay’s Ice Cream Shop is so popular that it’s open every day during peak season.

I want to eat a variety of flavors, but I don’t want to eat a lot! If you do, I highly recommend the kids double !

(Actually, it’s not on the menu, but kids triple is also available^^)

When I visited the Miki Tour the other day, the Kids Double had disappeared from the menu, but it is still available, so be sure to try the Kids Double.

As for the taste , I highly recommend the black cherry/walnut flavor, which I always eat . I also completely recommend the newly discovered KESO ice cream. The avocado was also very savory and delicious. (It varies from person to person!!! Please don’t criticize me later~~^^)

I like the ice cream here because it is not sweet and has no artificial flavors or flavors . In other words, it doesn’t taste cheap… … .^^

Mackay’s Mackay’s is a very old store, so it’s very classic. The interior of the store has recently changed between the time of Corona and after. During the coronavirus pandemic, everything was blocked and I couldn’t choose between ice creams, but now things are back to normal. (Left: Recently / Right: At the time of Corona)

When I came out after buying ice cream, there was this message on the doorstep.

They take Cochrane dollars.

I was curious so I looked it up again and thought, haha, who would use that? It doesn’t have any merit, but it helps small business owners in small cities. Wouldn’t it be nice to join in?

Boom!! Let’s put it all away and eat ice cream~~

You should try that ice cream that you have to wait in line to eat. lol

This is the first time I tried KESO.

It’s full of cheddar cheese ! It’s slightly salty, sweet, and savory, and it tastes completely different from the existing ice cream with cheesecake. It doesn’t taste as salty as salted caramel… .. You can feel all the delicious flavors… … I highly recommend it^^

I gave up on my love No. 1 black cherry because my husband wanted to eat it. lol

The one with the black cherry on the right is a regular double scoop,

The one with KESO on the left is the Kids Double Scoop.

In terms of cost effectiveness, you should get the Kids Double Scoop, right??!!!!!!

Cochrane, a small town next to Calgary, is a really cute place (I use the word cute too much lol).

I first came here in 1999, long before I lived in Canada, and it hasn’t changed since then, but it’s a neighborhood that has maintained a sense of order for a long time.

It says it’s a hotel, but it doesn’t seem to be open for business…

The counter looks like something you would find in the western desert.

Now that I’m looking for it, what’s going on????!!!!! Doing business in the world.

Wow!!!! This antique! It’s too much for my taste.

It’s around $100

I definitely need to stay one night here.

What the heck!!! I can’t believe there is such a cute hotel in the world!! Haha, it’s possible to have such a cute hotel in Cochrane, right? Long live Cocorain!!!!


The neighborhood itself is really cute.

Quiet and peaceful, so different from downtown Calgary!

I think this is the charm of small town tours.

When going to Banff

I definitely recommend stopping by,

however… . It’s not a must-visit ice cream shop if you have a busy and tight schedule.

And that ice cream shop is so famous that the lines are endless in the summer.

It’s not so delicious that you have to wait in line for more than 20 minutes to eat it. A place where you can happily eat sweet food when there are no people around!! That’s about it. Don’t wait in line~~~

Miki’s theorem

When you visit Cochrane, a cute little town next to Calgary, be sure to visit Mackay’s ice cream shop and try the Keso and black cherry flavors with the Kids’ Double Scoop. And if you want to see the small town of Cochrane in a meaningful and special way, try the Miki Tour ^^

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