Home » Rocky Mountain Hiking Course Review – Grizzly Peak

Rocky Mountain Hiking Course Review – Grizzly Peak

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Rocky Mountain Trekking

hello. This is Miki’s Honey, Miki Hani. I provide information about traveling to the Rocky Mountains in Canada.

This is the Grizzly Peak hiking course that I visited in mid-June in 2022. It is located in Kananaskis and the difficulty level is Hard according to AllTrails.

The round trip to the summit is 5.6km and the elevation to the summit is 806m. It took 6 hours for the round trip, but it took a long time because there was a break in the middle.

Alltrain Grizzly Peak

It is located in Kananaskis County, 1 hour and 10 minutes from Calgary.

It’s close to Calgary, so it’s suitable for a day trek. Although it seemed like it would be difficult due to the short distance and high elevators, I still managed to climb to the top.

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
The weather was cloudy so I was worried it might rain, but it didn’t rain.

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
Even in mid-June, there are glaciers at the top of the Rocky Mountains. If the weather had been better, there would have been clearer photos, but it’s a shame.

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
In the middle, I could see a clear sky intermittently between the clouds. The view was truly beautiful when the sky was clear.

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
There is also a rainbow in the middle… 

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
We’re almost there. There is a low slope for a while before reaching the summit. Isn’t the background already a joke?

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
It’s finally normal! The view from the top cannot be expressed in 2D. You have no choice but to go and see it in person.

Grizzly Peak Kananaskis
When I came down, children greeted me on the road. lol
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