Home » [Limited Edition] Don’t miss this taste. Don’t get me started. If you find out, you will resent me.

[Limited Edition] Don’t miss this taste. Don’t get me started. If you find out, you will resent me.


I’m posting a post that will get you resented^^

You really don’t know what this tastes like.

When you find out, you will find me unable to stop.

You will meet me just cutting one bong in no time.

It’s just a complete shutout!!!

This popcorn!! Ah really… . Popcorn is not just the popcorn we know.

In 2019, it was sold for $2.99, but you can’t find that price anymore.

It’s a good price right now at $3.99 per pack.

boom chicka pop 팝콘

This maple flavor has also been released. Ah!!

I can really imagine this taste.

boom chicka pop 팝콘

And this and this!

These are truly the devil’s cookies.

It’s a real limited edition. It only comes out this time of year.

$3.33 at Sobiz is a very hot deal.

Ritz Fudge

If you don’t eat this now, you can’t eat it .

It is the pinnacle of sweet and salty .

The chocolate is surprisingly not overly sweet.

This is just the ultimate in sweet and salty .

Ritz Fudge

The 2010 package looked like this.

Ritz Fudge

If you look at the comments on Mom’s Talk, one of last year’s Naver cafes.

You can see why I gave you a warning.

Once you get addicted to this snack, you won’t be able to get out of it. I buy it every year.

There are also sales at the end of winter.

When regular REITs are on sale, there are times when they are on sale next to you, so you can try looking for them then.

It’s not a regular shelf, but a place where Christmas season products are collected.

They are available at Shoppers, Shapeway, and Superstore.

I will explain this kindly, but it is absolutely prohibited NONONONO!!! Do not eat it.

[Source] [Limited Edition] Don’t miss this taste. Don’t get me started. If you find out, you will resent me. Written by Wonderful Miki

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  1. 2023년 12월 31일

    […] [Limited Edition] Don’t miss this taste. Don’t get me started. If you find out, you wi… […]

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