Home » Are you going to eat it with pesticide/wax fruit?? Detergent for fruits and vegetables Calcium powder ZAYEON GRAM (made in KOREA) review

Are you going to eat it with pesticide/wax fruit?? Detergent for fruits and vegetables Calcium powder ZAYEON GRAM (made in KOREA) review


This is the calcium powder I purchased from a regular Mickey Cart customer when I went to Edmonton last week.

The regular customer said that he imports it directly from Korea.

I had previously used a liquid detergent and didn’t even know such a thing existed. lol

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First of all, since it is not a liquid, it is light and easy to store.

The package is so perfect for my taste!!! I value the packaging and it’s so pretty.

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Instructions for use were clearly explained on the packaging.

Get water

Tap! Tap! Sprinkle it


Eat~~~ LOL

Simple, right?

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I looked into it and found out that it contains 100% calcium and is about 150 grams, and it is safe to eat, but do not eat it on purpose. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha funny!

If you use 1 gram in 25 liters of water, you can use this small bottle 150 times????

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So, shall we give it a try?

How on earth do you clean it? I tried using water in an opaque container to see.

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1 gram is a lot! Tap! Just because you say it’s worth it, knock it! I tried it, but maybe because it was my first time using it, it didn’t come out very well, so I tapped it with force! Tuk-tuk! i did it. Force control failure. lol

They tell me to dissolve it in water, but it’s a hassle so I just shake it around.

And drop the fruit to eat!

On a different note, those apples were really, really delicious.

I won a box of organic Honey Crisps and shared them with my neighbors, and one of the best things I did this year was the delicious apples.

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It was originally like this.

It seems to be water from melting Rocky glaciers… It’s refreshing water with a slightly blue tint.

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Try making something like this too.

It’s been a month since I started SNS and I’ve finally uploaded my first video^^

Thank you for your hard work!! Heh heh heh.

It’s still a mess. lol

Even if I die, I will never use social media. These days, I’m learning really hard.https://youtube.com/watch?v=rCf_L7QfEHA%3Ffeature%3Doembed

I was told to drop in the apples and tomatoes and soak them for 3-5 minutes, so soak them and take them out.

Oh my gosh!!!



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Oh my gosh ㅠㅠㅠ

The problem is that my kitchen is bright, so I wonder if the picture will be dark? Even if I take a picture again ㅠㅠㅠ

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Oh my!!!

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Oh, the refreshing and clear water changes like this, as if by some kind of magic.

Are you saying this is all just a mess? Are you saying you kept eating this?

Ah!! It’s straight!

Sorry! Shoot ~~ My throat, my stomach, my intestines

Compare the water colors again.

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과일채소 전용세제 칼슘파우더 자연그램 리뷰

I’m going to eat a few apples and a few tomatoes right away, so I wash them under running water.

As for the rest, just leave it soaked in calcium water. It is said that this will extend the preservation period and keep it fresh.

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Cut it and chop it!!! bon appetit.

Eat the apple by chewing it thoroughly, savoring the taste of the skin.

The avocado I was high-fiving with the Grim Reaper was delicious sprinkled with hump seeds.

Maybe it was because the soup was missing, but it tasted even more delicious^^ A complete meal!

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The size is like this.

They say to use 1 gram in 25 liters of water and that container is 150 grams, so use it 150 times.

5 months if used once a day

If you use it twice a day, I think it will last about 2-3 months.

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Listening to the words of a regular customer who imported

Say you wash rice, meat and fish.

They say that washing rice makes it taste better. Is that really true?

I don’t eat rice, so I’ll try it next time I eat it.

It’s so amazing that I highly recommend it.

They say it’s already a famous product, but I think I’m the only one who knows about it.

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Ah, this is a review I bought with my own money.

Thank you for giving me 20 samples, so I was able to give them out randomly when giving out Mickey Kart croquettes.

I tried it and it worked so well that I thought I should use it as a tool. I’m thinking about it.

[Source] Are you going to eat it with pesticide/wax fruit?? Detergent for fruits and vegetables Calcium powder Natural Gram (made in KOREA) review | Written by Wonderful Miki

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1 Response

  1. 2024년 01월 14일

    […] Are you going to eat it with pesticide/wax fruit?? Detergent for fruits and vegetables Calcium powd… […]

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