Home » Burdock kimchi and abalone tot rice eaten in Calgary, Canada! A healthy meal?

Burdock kimchi and abalone tot rice eaten in Calgary, Canada! A healthy meal?


Recently, there was a huge sale on burdock at my local supermarket.

It’s on sale until this week, so if you’re nearby, you can get it^^ hahaha

Shopping cart unboxing class hahahahaha

Are you curious about Canadian prices???

It’s really cheap, right?

If you think about prices these days.

I posted a shopping cart unboxing post on Mom Cafe.

One person mentioned ‘burdock kimchi ’ in the comments.

yes????? Burdock kimchi???????

Really kimchi is such an amazing food. There is nothing that kimchi can’t do with all vegetables. I really appreciate it!!!!

So let’s make it!!!

When it comes to eating, practice is always key!! lol

I searched on Naver

They say to cook the burdock and mix it with the seasoning.

Cook it in the microwave and mix it with regular kimchi seasoning.

Done!!! ^^

우엉김치 캐나다 캘거리

It’s so delicious, so come closer!!

Wow~~ It’s really, really delicious.?????

우엉김치 캐나다 캘거리

This is a really weird thing. Really happy birthday❤️❤️❤️

While the unique scent of burdock remains,

Crunchy and good taste

It’s very spicy because it uses spicy red pepper powder.

God’s move!!!!!!!

Adding a rolling apple adds a spoonful of sweetness?❤️

Just when the mature taste of burdock hits you, press it with the sweetness of apple!! yes!! That’s right ^^

Because the burdock kimchi is crunchy,

The main course should be plain, right?

Today’s main topic is this!

Abalone tot pot rice??

전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리

Is it so delicious? Would you like to take a closer look?

전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리

This is how hijiki pott rice is made.

Wash the rice thoroughly several times.

Sprinkle with hijiki powder and boil over high heat.

전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리
전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리
전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리

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Bubble bubble ?? Sizzling ??

I put on the abalone that I cleaned while it was steaming.

Abalone is almost at the level of Obunjagi.

전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리

It’s okay~~

My husband is going to eat it all by himself!! 5 pieces per meal is enough!! Huh? lol

전복 톳 솥밥 캐나다 캘거리

A simple meal today too!! I’m sorry ^^

My husband, who couldn’t stand his hunger, had already thrown his spoon into the soup. ㅠㅠ

전복 톳 솥밥 우엉김치 캐나다 캘거리

For the soup, I used the leftover tuna seaweed soup scraps from last week, and I added an egg to it and turned it into a new soup.

Today too, use cold hair wisely!! Well done. Praise~~

전복 톳 솥밥 우엉김치 캐나다 캘거리

The tot is added so it smells like the sea.

For my husband, who hates fishy foods, a dollop of butter is the ‘killer point.’ Abalone + butter + hijiki!!! I really praise this combination.

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Although it is the size of a quarter,

I paid $6 for 6 abalone, so I was very satisfied with the meal.

Although it is an unfamiliar food,

I recommend the burdock kimchi Jeungmalu.

Try making it once.

It’s delicious, so one more time!!!!!! lol

우엉김치 캐나다 캘거리

[Source] Burdock kimchi and abalone tot rice eaten in Calgary, Canada! A healthy meal? Written by Wonderful Miki

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